Oog. Very tired. I'm currently holding down three jobs...where these jobs are trying to take off to that I need to hold them down is beyond me. All I do know is that I can't hold 'em like this much longer. Last night, at the Marcus Centre, I was nodding off at the usher meeting, went to the locker room after work with my radio still on my belt, left my book in the closet on the third floor, almost took off with a set of captain's keys and walked a block before I remembered that I'd rode a bike. Thankfully this somnambulant state won't last. I'll be leaving my museum job on May 7th in favour of working for a certain magazine. I look forward to not standing for eight hours straight... But for now I'm exhausted. My limbs don't want to move, my mind wanders, and my eyes ache. I think I need a nap...except I have all sorts of stuff to do. Poop. |