I woke up today feeling much better...my throat wasn't sore, I wasn't coughing, I could breathe deep... Notice the past tense. Ick. It all came back after an hour or so. It was an odd morning...I woke up around four a.m., fully alert but in that pleasant, somnambulant state in which everything moves in slow-motion. I rose again at perhaps six, and yet again at eight...and decided to just stay up. I finished London last night...very enjoyable. I recommend it to anyone with patience since figuring out who's who becomes difficult. It's rather like a reverse Tolstoy...the farther into the book you go the harder it is to discern how the characters relate. By the time you meet your fifth or sixth Meredith your head is spinning. A genealogical chart in the front of the book makes things easier, but it also gives away some key plot points if your eyes stray. A petty note - I found an error that the author made...he mistakenly linked the genealogy of two families through the wrong blood line. In a side-comment about three-quarters of the way through the novel he mentions that so-and-so had no idea that he was descended from such-and-who...which would have been perfectly true since, by the author's own account, he was not. Still and all, a very good read. After pottering about on my computer for some time I went across the street for the Eucharist. Today, in addition to Memorial Day, is the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. Fr. B celebrated and afterward he, M and C, and I went to lunch at Mykanos. It's always a treat to listen to Fr. B rattle on...he's very intelligent and quite funny and, at age 84, he knows just about everyone everywhere. Now I have some web work to do...speaking of which, please notice a couple of new additions to the site, down near the bottom. I've added a picture, which will change as I get new things to post, and a Notify.com feature. Just enter your e-mail there and you'll get a notice whenever I update. (Those of you who can't see the black side-bar full of links have stumbled onto the raw blog...go to www.aaronorear.com for the full deal.) |