The people I ranted about in yesterday's entry were all at the wedding reception I worked last night. I suppose it was my punishment for having pilloried them in print. I'll spare the details of the night, aside from the brief mention that obscenities and ice were hurled from a balcony onto innocent passers-by, and that what I call the Third-Grader Defence ("Please don't throw ice." "I didn't!" "I saw you." "No you didn't!") is the single most frustrating thing one can experience from a drunk. I'll skip the details of the event and simply mention that (should I someday have one) any wedding reception of mine will involve perhaps a lunch. It will be over by sundown. (don't newlyweds have something better to be doing, anyhow?) There will be no free booze after the toasting champagne, and certainly no gut thumpingly loud DJ. No late-night, hard-drinking bacchanal. No. Just no. |