Oog. I'm a tired boy. I've been working like a dog lately. (actually, I rarely see dogs working, and when they do they seem to enjoy it a lot more than I'm enjoying my work lately) I've been at the magazine every day and the concert hall every night. I have Wednesday off, thanks be to God. Not that I dislike either of my jobs...ushering and writing are neither of them terribly strenuous. It's just the 12 to 14 hour workdays I could do without. According to my spam filter, Bonita Valencia is "srory she told eevyrobdy my sceret." I'm touched by her sincere alpoyog. A note to new readers...if you like what you see, scroll the main window down and sign up on the Notify List. That way I can send you spam and tell eevyrobdy your scerets. |