Once again when I finally gave up worrying and just trusted that God would provide, God provided. A few days ago I decided to stop worrying about finding a place to live in Toronto...not to stop trying and working at it, mind you, but just to stop worrying. God clearly landed me in my Milwaukee apartment...perhaps He has a plan for Toronto, too. Today I surfed an apartment listing web site, as I have done every day (sometimes twice a day) since Amy showed it to me. I found a slew of new places that were in both the right price range and right general area. I sent all the links to Amy, who has also been searching and running about doing all the looking. Amy came home from a discouragingly fruitless day of apartment hunting to find my e-mail. She clicked and recognized a building around the corner from her - a building I'd not recognized when I saw it online but which I knew of from visiting Toronto and had pictured when the apartment search first began. (understand how unlikely it is, in a city the size of Toronto, that an apartment comes open in the one building you'd hoped for and which is right around the corner) She called the landlord and within two hours had seen the apartment, applied, been accepted and put down the money. All of this while I was in church, praying for the endurance and positive outlook to keep searching. From me seeing the place online to her closing the deal perhaps three hours elapsed. The landlord had posted it just before I did my search. Had I visited the site half an hour earlier I'd have missed it. Thank God for everyday miracles. I've finished Snow Falling On Cedars. Very good book. The author does take his time with things, and the level of detail can be frustrating at first. He doesn't just tell you that a truck drives by...he tells you who's driving, who's in the passenger seat, what his mother-in-law was wearing last time he saw her and where she buys her groceries. All this about characters you'll never read about again. But it does create the inbred, insular, gossipy sort of island atmosphere in which the story is set. Anyhow, it's a good book and timely too. In the story of a Japanese American community during and just after World War II - the hostility they face because they look like the enemy - we see our own time in a mirror. We're forced to address the sort of bigotry directed at Muslim Americans today. When will history look at us and sadly shake her wise old head in remorse? I'm going to spend this next month immersed in scripture...I'd rather have everything fresh in mind for the first day of classes, eh? |