I've been thinking about an idea I had a while back...it was an idea I wanted to try in the event that I was some day a.) ordained and b.) working in an urban parish. The idea was to celebrate a less formal but still structured Eucharist late at night...midnight mass, if you will. The idea came from Amy, in a way. She and I are both such night owls, and I was joking that I hoped to someday be in a parish with a noon Sunday Eucharist. The notion sort of developed from that joke. I'd like to offer something to people who live a bit outside the regular church world, either due to schedule or discomfort with the atmosphere. At any rate, now I'm wondering if perhaps something similar can't be tried as a lay person, using either the Canadian prayer book's Evening Prayer or Compline from either their Alternative Services book or some other source. This notion grew first out of looking for an Anglican church in the Little Poland area...a difficult prospect, since the neighbourhood is predominantly Polish Roman Catholics. "There must be some Anglicans living around here," I reasoned. Amy lives in that hood, after all. So now I'm thinking of perhaps a Wednesday evening meeting, perhaps in a neutral spot in the neighbourhood...park, coffee shop, whatever. The logistics are another matter, but I wonder if there would be interest. Not to replace Sunday church, (though the paucity of Anglican options in the area was partly the genesis) but perhaps for people who wouldn't go anyhow, or to further explore for people who do. Maybe a scaled down Compline and Bible study/discussion... Like I need more to do. |