The Cathedral's Hunger Book Sale started this evening. Unlike previous years I won't be able to help out much at all...which is perhaps a good thing since I tend to buy a lot of books when I'm there. Coming home from the concert hall tonight I stopped in for about half an hour and left with five books. That's one book every six minutes. If I stayed for three hours I'd have 30 books and I'd have to buy another shelf. Who am I kidding...I already have too many books for my shelves. The countdown is racing ahead now. This is a good thing, as I'm anxious to see Amy and am really looking forward to Trinity, and this whole new chapter. But oy, the things I have yet to do! Who knew that packing your home into a truck, moving to another country and starting graduate school could be so complicated? What's that you say? Everyone knows that, you say? Well...aren't you the smug one. |