Sorry, sorry...not dead in an Ontario ditch. Just out of contact with the web for a while. I'm finally unpacked and settling into the new digs. Quite nice, actually. Living in Little Poland has numerous charms...this morning I walked a few blocks, bought fresh berries from a corner fruit shop, pastry from a Polish bakery and chatted with the shopkeeper at Scootergirl, a charming little store full of the kinds of toys that make kids think without being all "teachy." All day the street is bustling with bent old Polish ladies on their way to the deli, young Bohemian types (see also Amy and myself) and an assortment of local eccentrics and oddities. The back windows let in the sound of children playing, occasionally scolded by the tired voice of Mom. At night the ghostly whine of streetcar wheels gliding over tracks drifts in through the window. An upstairs neighbour has little dogs that yowl and yip in delight as she returns. 24 hour convenience stores have sold me gallons (sorry...litres) of Canada Dry and loads of Coffee Crisps. Trinity orientation is next week, classes start the week after. Meanwhile I'm enjoying being with Amy, setting up house and just learning to be a Torontonian. |