Important Note: I noticed on the stat-tracker that some people are still visiting the old location for this web site. While the version there is still functioning and pulling up the blog, I no longer have access to it and it may be erased any time now. If there's a "days to Toronto" counter over in the sidebar, you're at the old site. Click here and you'll get the new site. Update your bookmark and you're set. If you've been looking at the old site, you missed the new's below. And if you want to be kept abreast of the latest here on, add yourself to the update list, also found near the bottom of the page. I promise not to spam you...honest. So being sick is now, officially, getting old. The worst is when I cough so much that I get light-headed. Oofdah. I think I'll take advantage of that Canadian health care ASAP. As Amy says, "You get free health care...abuse it!" The news from south of the border (some of it by way of Iraq) is not good. I honestly think the U.S. is trying to collapse in a Romanesque fashion. Hubris, thy name is W. A note to all my liberal American friends...even most Tories (conservatives) up here would vote for Kerry. Immigration isn't so bad, you know, and the US dollar sure goes a long way in Canada...and ketchup chips are worth the move! |