A rainy morning has turned into a sunny day...and I have a paper to write. Poo. Amy and I baked chocolate chip cookies the other night, though, which makes all things good. A full cookie jar cures all evils. There's good news from our Ms. Amy...she's been promoted at the concert hall. She is now Supervisor Amy, if you please. Typical of her, she's not excited or even happy about this. In that way Amy is her father's daughter..."Promotion? More work, longer hours and I have to buy new clothes." It does mean that she'll be at the concert hall earlier and later...all around more. It also, however, means she'll be making more money. Actually, though, money isn't a huge deal for either of us. It's nice to have because it makes life easier...it's always good not to worry about food and shelter...but once one reaches the point where needs are taken care of and occasional wants can be met without too much austerity, what use is money? There's no function to the stuff other than rising or falling numbers on a bank statement...and really, you could just enter any old number into Quicken and pretend that's your account balance. This is probably a good outlook for someone entering one of the less lucrative jobs...though as a former actor I'm approaching the priesthood as a pay raise. Speaking of money, the Canadian dollar has been on the up tick for some time now. While this is good news for Canucks heading south for the winter, it's bad news for Americans going to school in Toronto...the U.S. dollar doesn't do now what it did just a few months back. To ease the crunch I'm urging all my friends (and enemies who want to keep me far away in Canada) to do their Christmas shopping at Amazon.com by clicking through this site! (as in, click that link right there) I'll get a small percentage of the sale and you won't even notice the difference! Whadda ya say, eh? |