For those whose conditions in life might prevent moving to Canada, I suggest this fine book. (see also the menu bar) While I haven't yet read it, it looks too good not to try. The title alone ought to bring comfort� The atmosphere here in Canada is shock and despair. Sorry, no awe. The Shrub does not inspire awe, except in the case of "Awe, poor Americans. Rotten luck." It's a sense of "How on earth could they vote for him?" We're really looking silly right now. Silly and, unfortunately, scary. And the Immigration Canada web site recorded a record number of hits on November 3rd. Aside from the general malaise inspired by politics, life here is good. I've started seriously examining my post-educational options and will be meeting with a couple Canadian bishops in the next few weeks. It's early to be thinking about placement, but one needs to establish contacts. I survived another spate of paper writings, and am heading into the last month of classes...oy, the reading piles up! Nevertheless, it's still interesting reading and I'm still enjoying it. Except for Julian of Norwich. Just not my style, I'm afraid. I did enjoy Br. Lawrence, however...his work theology is much like that of a delightful priest I interviewed for TLC. Fr. Armand Larive wrote After Sunday: A Theology of Work, which knocks down the artificial wall we build between Sunday worship and Monday work. Indeed, Fr. Larive insists (quite rightly) that everyday labour itself is worship, as an act of co-creation with God. Speaking of work...I have reading to do...of course. |