Oy. How dealing with opera singers can make one appreciate actors. Amy has daily stories of new levels of daftness. Bless their diva souls, opera singers live in a haze of self-interest that rivals even the most indulgent actor. I met with the Bishop of Algoma today. It was a very informal first meeting, just to get a sense of what's what and who's who. Algoma is a sprawling diocese of classic northwoods character...my skiing and fishing cousins would be visiting all the time. I have done enough investigating to know that there's at least one city, of about 125,000, that has a symphony and some theatre...well...one theatre. This is me, worrying about Amy's future career before a) there's been any talk of marriage and b) there's been any talk of me joining the diocese of Algoma. I guess that's better than not planning with Amy in mind, eh? At any rate, the bishop seemed a pleasant fellow, from the short interview. I have many such interviews ahead, so we'll see what we see. Also, this nugget from the soon-to-retire John "I Lost to a Dead Man" Ashcroft. "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved." Well, disband the FBI! Close up the cop shops! Cancel America's Most Wanted! The nation is officially "safe." Don't you feel better now? |