Again, not dead. When I don't update for a while it's usually because I'm busy...not this time. This time I'm so un-busy that I've had precious little to write about. I have my last exam today, and I'm slowly polishing up that last paper, which is due on Monday. The prof gave us a huge extension, and I've taken advantage of it. relax. There have been some fun moments here and there...the rehab hospital is always an experience. Yesterday it was Frankie, a wisecracking old gent who knows everyone in the joint. He's a regular Romeo on wheels, that guy. I chatted with him while waiting for the lead volunteer to show up...she knows everyone who goes to church and where their rooms are, and without her I'd have no idea who to bring down for the Eucharist. So Frankie and I chewed the rag a bit...he told some awful jokes (both awful as in not funny and awful as in off-colour) and entertained us both immensely. Then a crazy woman sat next to me on the streetcar. Not your typical, random number shouting crazy. Not even the swearing at invisible assailants crazy. This was your garden variety, pampered condo dweller crazy. She was returning an outfit she'd bought at The Bay...she no sooner sat down than she started telling me about how she always returns things because the light at home is different and anyhow she can find it cheaper somewhere else and she gave her housekeeper all the blankets and cushions from her living room because why not and the poor woman doesn't have that much anyhow but what do you do anyhow her friends in the States finally got the presents she sent but they didn't unwrap them they're under the tree and now she's just busting to know what they think of them but honestly she's Jewish and doesn't do Christmas and her friends are Jewish and why do they have trees anyhow someone once gave her a set of Christmas ornaments and she said "I can't have these in my house" because she hates to have things that she doesn't use and have you bought your girlfriend her present yet you'd better get her jewellery because women love jewellery or maybe a nice robe... My ears were bleeding by the time I got off...but she was very friendly. After yesterday's exam I sat in the Buttery (a sort of quick-stop restaurant at Trinity, where lots of divs gather for coffee after Matins) and had a good talk with a couple of my peers. They're lovely people and I hope that wherever life tosses us after Trinity we can manage to keep in touch. But now I'd best go...I've another exam in a couple hours. Ciao. |