And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. - Luke 2:7 Maybe it's because I have all this time off before the holiday...I'm eagerly awaiting the Nativity this year. Every child I see lately, in restaurants and shops, reminds me of the miracle which we'll soon celebrate. There, in that helpless form, God was and is united to us. It's a joyful union, one forged of transcendent love...all in a package so tiny. It's snowing. Not a lot, but it's snowing. And there's more predicted for tomorrow. Just before when our plane leaves for Milwaukee. Yes. I've discovered, by careful and exhaustive analysis of three whole days' worth of data, that Milwaukee is colder than Toronto. Today it was -3C in TO, -14C in M'waukee. When Toronto was hit by a "cold snap" the other day, I was perfectly comfortable in a short, middle-weight coat and jeans. Everyone else was calling it "broodle." I called it bracing. Then again, I am nuts. I have also discovered that Toronto is snowier and slushier than Milwaukee...I know this because my sandals do not hold out the Toronto slush like they did the Milwaukee powder. This means I will have to switch to my boots earlier than in past years. Poo. Then again, I've been known to wear sandals in two feet of snow. Hopefully the aforementioned snow and cold will hold off long enough to get one small jet from Pearson to Mitchell tomorrow evening. Plan B involves sending a lot of presents via post. Speaking of presents, Amy and I will be exchanging gifts tonight. We don't want to haul everything to Wisconsin and back, and we're too impatient to wait until we get home. So tonight Amy will open the ------ --- and the ----. I hope she likes the -------- -------. Unless I get a wild hair and update before leaving tomorrow, this will be my last entry for a while. I'll take this opportunity to wish my faithful readers a very Merry Christmas. Most of you are friends or family from Wisconsin, so I'll be seeing you over the holidays. For those Canucks who've logged on...please leave the Northern Lights on so Amy and I can find our way back, and have a happy and safe holiday. Love and Peace to you all. |