Oh. Yes, we're back. Sorry I haven't updated earlier...I was sleeping in. Ahhhh. Amy and I had a lovely visit with the folks back in Wisconsin. We had a bit of an adventure getting to the airport - ice on the streetcar wires, busses not showing up - but we got where we were going. We stayed at my mother's, visited the family, watched silly TV shows...ah, Christmas. I was thurifer at the Cathedral's Christmas Eve Eucharist. It's nice, after exploring other versions of Anglican worship, to slip right back into something familiar and comfortable. It's not the only way, nor even the "best" way, but it's a way that makes me feel good. Amy and I ended up in Milwaukee, visiting friends there. One stop was at the hospital, to say goodbye to a dear, sweet man. He was barely hanging on when we visited on Tuesday...he died on Thursday. Although to us it feels like he's gone too soon, his pain has changed to the purest joy and his frailty to strength in the presence of God. Our sorrow is more for his widow. Although they'd only been married a few years, you'd swear it'd been fifty. She will miss him terribly; her New Year will ring in a huge adjustment and I hope that her friends can help her in that change. Amy and I are now preparing for the coming year. She goes back to work at the concert hall tomorrow, and starts back at the opera a week later. I'll be back in class on the 3rd. We're not going to any parties tonight - not our style. We'll celebrate the New Year with a kiss and a cuddle. |