So the achin' body was the early stages of sick. And to that I managed to add exhausted...last night I slept not a whit. Toss, turn, toss. Too hot, too tangled in sheets, too much thinking. Not thinking about something, which I could at least understand. No, just a wild swirl of ideas, like a skull full of butterflies. At 4 a.m., still not having slept, I got dressed and walked to the nearby Coffee Time. There was no sleep in me, so I figured I might as well have a donut and do some reading. So today was not easy...I about fell asleep in my first class. The second was more engaging, and it kept me wide awake, but as soon as it was over I started a quick descent. I was ready to keel over by the time I made it home. Lucky me, I have a very sweet girlfriend who took the couple hours she had between her two jobs to check in on me and make sure I was comfortable (as much as possible) and resting. There's nothing quite as comforting as the ministration of a gentle and tender woman. I am now better rested, though still sick, and have the laptop in bed. I'd best get to the homework I didn't do's not much but getting behind is really not an option. |