I'm just a bit antsy. I preach in Trinity chapel tomorrow morning. The daily Eucharist is never really well attended, especially at 8:15am on a Monday...still, I've not yet conquered my pulpit fright. That's not to say it's a debilitating thing. Many actors have the flutters before going on...you have to have some nerves or you'll eventually mess up out of boredom. I know of at least one actor who vomits before every performance, and she's an old veteran. I'm nowhere near that nervous...just a healthy case of jitters. I'm a lot better now than I was last time. Having preached once, and having gotten positive feedback, helps a lot. It's a short sermon...the scripture in question is Mark 3:19-30. Afterward I have nothing to do, my Monday class having been cancelled, so I'll sit in the Buttery (Trinity's lounge/cafe) and do some reading for the coming week. Speaking of reading...I had put the Bible in my "What I'm Reading" section. I've replaced it with a non-school book. I'm going to try having something on my shelf for pure pleasure, lest books become my nemesis. Of course, with classes in Old and New Testament, you can assume that I'm still deeply engaged in the Bible. |