Just a quick note about a couple new features...I finally updated the picture (down at the bottom of the page). It's not actually one I took (since my scanner is still not hooked up and probably won't work with XP anyhow) but it is a shot relevant to my life at Trinity. Also, please note the addition of the Hunger Site button over on the side. If you haven't heard of the Hunger Site, it's a rare thing - an online "too-good-to-be-true" that actually is true. The idea is that you go there, click a button, and a certain amount of food is donated to hunger relief programs. It's paid for by advertisers whose banners, etc., you see when you click. Nobody likes advertising, but I can certainly bring myself to look at it if it means a free meal for someone in need. This is an entirely legitimate site and it takes about 20 seconds. There are also a few similar sites, Breast Cancer, Rain Forest, Animal Rescue, etc. All worthy causes. I chose hunger because it was the original, and you can get to the others from the Hunger Site. Oh, and the Episcopal Relief and Development button...I added that link for the tsunami relief effort. ERD is a good, stable organization that is working in SE Asia, as well as in a load of other areas and for other causes. No click to make a free donation bit here, but a good group if you're looking to help, either in SE Asia of any of their other programs. They also sell Bishop's Blend coffee, a Fair Trade coffee. The proceeds help ERD carry out their work. If you're not familiar with the "Fair Trade" concept, here's a quote from their site... Today, with world commodity prices far below the costs of production, Fair Trade provides a critical alternative to the "free trade" market and creates a more equitable and stable trading system. The Fair Trade floor price and direct market access reduce the devastating effects of the boom and bust cycle on farmers and their organizations. The result is stronger farmers' cooperatives, independence from exploitative middlemen, and more revenue for social development and environmental conservation programs. Bishop's Blend is thus doubly beneficial...it supports individual growers and the proceeds go to help those in need. And the coffee is quite good, too, so it's win-win-win. Unless you don't like coffee...then it's win-win-now what do I do with this bag of coffee? I suggest mailing it to me. |