Today was fun. Yow. I officiated Evensong at St. Anne's. This means I sang. Though I've officiated Evening Prayer many times, it was of the spoken variety. I'm not terribly comfortable about singing. And here I was, two days after being asked, singing Evensong with a very good choir. Not how I'd hoped to make a first impression, but it turned out ok after all. I didn't utterly butcher it, at least. It all started Thursday, at lunch (see photo below). I asked Fr. Matthew, a doctoral student at Trinity, about the possibility of a field placement at St. Anne's, where he's an assistant. He thought it would be a good match and e-mailed the rector. On Friday he called me and asked if I'd be able to sing Evensong. Gulp. But if you're going to get into something, why not leap headlong? Anyhow, I called the rector and I heard Beatles music in the background...he must be a good fellow. So there I was, nervously intoning plainsong chant in a huge, gorgeous church decorated by Canada's Group of Seven painters. Still, as I said, it went pretty well. I hope to be able to do it again. The upshot is that this is shaping up to be an excellent parish in which to serve. Moral of the story - always be willing to leap in with both feet. God will catch you if you stumble. |