I feel as if I'm giving a party for two groups of friends who've never before met. Like when your work friends meet your old college buddies, or your drinking buddies go to church with you. O.K., neither of those are situations I've experienced...I have no drinking buddies (since I don't drink that much and am bad at making friends) and it's been years since I've seen anyone with whom I went to college. Maybe if my work friends showed up at church? So I guess I just assume that my current situation is similar... I just joined a blog list of Toronto bloggers. (For those readers with techno-fear, a blog is an online journal, diary thingy. Web log...web-log...weblog...blog. It was too much effort to say the "weh" so it's been dropped.) Anyhow, having just joined that group I've been getting the occasional hit from these hard-boiled bloggers. These are serious people. They "ping" and "trackback" and do other things I don't understand. Many of them also use Firefox, a browser much-beloved among the tech-set. This is fine by me, except (non-tech that I really am) I can't get the "Cost of the War in Iraq" counter to function in Firefox. I worry that my new visitors can't see it. This is where the party image comes in...first I invited my Milwaukee friends, so that they could keep in touch and know what I'm up to, and I baked some pizza for them. But now I've invited some Toronto bloggers, too. The pizza has pepperoni on it and I'm not sure if the bloggers are vegetarians or not. Is there a Firefox user who can tell me whether or not the Cost of War pepperoni is visible? Can I spin a stupid metaphor or what? Anyhow, Milwaukee friends and family, meet the Toronto bloggers. Toronto bloggers, meet my friends and family from back home. Awkward silence. I'll try to write something interesting for both groups...or something equally boring for everyone. Either way. |