This field-ed at St. Anne's promises to be a very rich experience. Last Sunday I officiated my first-ever Evensong. (Not Evening Prayer, which is occasionally called Evensong...actual singing!) Today I was sub-deacon in my first east-facing mass. Not to mention I'll be preaching on Good Friday. And it's just the first week. I'm very much looking forward to the experience! Poor Amy has "The Strep." It's going about in the opera department where she stage manages...all those people singing at each other, spittle everywhere. It doesn't help that she works two jobs and is sometimes going from 10am to 11pm. A thirteen-hour work day is a recipe for getting sick. This means, of course, that I will soon get sick. Sicknesses are like secrets. You give something to one half of a couple, you'd better believe that the other half has it, too. |