A Biblical, theological question for you... Suppose a letter was found tomorrow, an epistle to an ancient church...say the church in Antioch. And suppose that this letter was proved, to the satisfaction of scholars and church leaders, to have been written by the apostle Paul. The form, the content, the theology - it all matched Paul's other letters.
The question is this...what would you do with this new letter? Would you include it in the canon, placing it in the New Testament alongside Paul's other letters? Would you make room for it in the lectionary, so that people heard it read in church? Would you place it in the Apocrypha, the texts that are accepted in catholic circles but not by most protestants? Would you keep the new letter out of the Bible entirely, maintaining the historic canon? Let me know what you think, both with a vote and a note...I'm interested in everyone's opinion. NOTE: I'm obviously reopening my Guestbook, having deleted the strange entries. I now think that I was the target of someone's odd sense of humour, trying to start a fight. I figured out the poster's ISP - it's someone in Canada, but not here in TO. In the future I'll just delete anything that comes from that person. |