My, my...people are looking for some juicy gossip, aren't they? My stat counter says that the most popular entry in my blog is My Dirty Secret. Unfortunately for the grapevine, my dirty secret is how much I enjoy a reality TV show. My life is so exciting. Things are getting exciting as we near the end of the term. Not "Whee!" exciting, but "Oy! So much homework!" exciting. It all crept up on me over Holy Week. It's doable, but I'll not sleep a lot this next two weeks. No matter. I'll take a break after the term is over. Pretty sleep. But now I'm busy, busy, busy. Which is fine by me. Still, I'm not so busy that I can't add a new photo to the bottom of the page. That's one of my lecture classrooms across the street at Wycliffe College. If I've changed photos by the time you check this, you can always visit the photo page and see the past pics. |