Ooooooohhhggg... Last night was sumpin' broodle. Fever, chills (which I've not had since I was 11) and more snot than a kindergarten class in January. If mucus was money I'd be Donald Trump...but with better hair. I awoke this morning clogged and's going to be a fun weekend! I also woke up, I have no idea why, fuming over a pet peeve of mine. It's petty and small of me, but since I have this bully pulpit I'm going to vent. "Cathedral" does not mean a "really big church." Westminster Abby is a huge church - but it's not a cathedral. On the other hand, there are many modest buildings, holding no more than a hundred worshippers, that are cathedrals. So what makes a cathedral? A cathedral is simply the bishop's home church, in which the bishop's chair sits. That chair, or throne, is called a "cathedra." Hence, cathedral. No cathedra, no cathedral. So no, Dr. Robert Schuller, you are not preaching in the Crystal Cathedral. You have no bishop's throne, nor even a bishop from what I can tell. You are in the Crystal Church. You can build as monstrous a building as you like - unless there's a cathedra in the corner, it's not a cathedral! Sorry. The Anglo-Catholic in me just had to say that. I return you now to your regularly scheduled nonsense. |