Mmmmm...spicy Mennonite beef sticks. That's what Amy and I brought back from St. Jacob's. (see previous post) I've been wolfing them down like...a wolf. There's nothing I like better than spicy meat in snack-stick form, and nobody makes spicy meat snacks like Mennonite farmers. Speaking of Mennonites, or at least a splinter group thereof, the Worst Movie In All Of History was on T.V. today. Yes...Kirstie Alley and Tim Allen in For Richer or Poorer, perhaps the most hideous insult to the Amish since the "country" decorating craze of the 1980's. The worst part had to be Kirstie Alley designing a line of colourful clothing and presenting her creations in a fashion show. For some reason the movie is rated four and a half stars on Go figure. Of course, it's the sort of truly bad movie that sucks you in. So bad it's good, or at least mesmerizing. Like Jackie Chan's The Tuxedo, which Amy and I actually watched all the way through. As Amy often asks, "Was there not one person who questioned this movie? Did nobody say, 'This is awful?'" I guess not. |