So bad. So, so bad. The dialogue...the dialogue, I tell you! The humanity! George Lucas has gone over to the Dark Side. He has also, it would appear, forgotten the point of his first Star Wars trilogy, which was that the human spirit is more powerful than the machine. There's not a single shot in this last movie that hasn't been somehow mucked with in a computer. Sadly there's little left of the original trilogy, either, since Lucas went back and mucked about with those as well. Lucas' direction makes good actors wooden and bad actors...ugh. It's not pretty. Hayden Christensen, in Revenge of the Sith, is so bad he's actually out-acted by the guys in Stormtrooper costumes. The Wookies have deeper connection to their lines than does Christensen. Even Ewan MGregor and Samuel L. Jackson, who must be wondering how they got themselves into such an awful film, can't overcome the ham-handed directing. But the worst is the dialogue. Maybe that's the reason for the horrible can't be good saying such awful lines. One of my favourites, in addition to the George W. Bush "if you're not with me you're against me" from Darth Vader (so Bush is a Sith Lord!), was poor Ewan's line. Watching a security hologram of Anakin killing some children (no, I'm not kidding), Obi Wan says, "I can't watch any more." I hear you, brother. |