Very tired. Went bird watching in High Park today...took loads of pictures. Just finished making a bird watching page. Check it out, eh? And please, dog owners...when you're in an urban park with loads of other people around - LEASH YOUR DOG! There are usually areas designated where you can let Fido run free. All sorts of trails and woods and grassy areas, almost a quarter of huge High Park is "Dog Off Leash." The rest of the park, by default and as announced by scads of signs, is dog on leash. So leash your dog. Do it for your fellow park-user's sake, do it for your dog's sake. Last summer there was a rash of dogs poisoned by tainted hot-dogs left in Toronto parks. Remember, Fido has no dietary discretion whatsoever...if it smells good (or awful) he'll eat it. He needs you to keep him from scarfing up just any old lump of poison, and it's your responsibility so to do. Besides, two Dobermans charging out of the woods does not make the average birdwatcher happy. Dismissively shouting "They're not bothering you!" is not adequate. I will be the judge of whether or not your dogs are bothering me, and they are. Silly me, I find it threatening when a strange dog comes running towards me at full speed. Yes. I have some residual anger. |