For non-political material, check out my new bird pics. A couple all-new entries, some better pictures of birds I already had, and a slew of unidentified birds. If you don't want to hear the Bush administration criticized, just check out the birds. Really. They don't vote for anyone. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have all dismissed Amnesty International's opinion that the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay has become "the gulag of our times." Rumsfeld, in particular, says that anyone making such a claim can no longer be taken seriously. So how, I ask, would one call the world's attention to appalling conditions? If, according to Rumsfeld, international oversight cannot call a spade a spade, how would atrocities ever be brought to light? "Pardon me, but something sort of icky is happening at Guantanamo Bay?" Is that sanitized enough for you, Rummy? No, it's best if nothing at all is said because then nothing at all will be done. Just like calling anyone who questioned the invasion of Iraq "unpatriotic", or labelling as "divisive" anyone who insisted that all the Florida ballots be counted. Just call anyone who raises any objection to the administration a traitor (as right-wing vampire Anne Coulter does) or irrational and you can get away with murder. "Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? |