I tend to collect little bits of information or complaint that I want to share with you, my blog friends. But then I update with a serious entry and either I forget the little things or they just don't fit. So they accumulate until I forget them entirely. So here they are, the dust bunnies of my brain, the little burned fries that nobody wants to eat, the Corey Haim movies from the 99 cent bin at Zellers.
- Someone called the other day, a woman, claiming to represent a "furniture repair" company. She said, "Hello, my name is Tara, and my company does furniture repair. Do you have any furniture that needs repairing?"
First off, weird way to cold call. Although Sybil does scratch and the kitchen chairs look as if a mad beaver has been snacking on them, I wasn't about to invite Tara over. And when I said no, she didn't try and give me a number to call "in case" or anything. Can you say, "Casing the joint?" - The guy who works at the nearby convenience store is very friendly, always cheerful. When he says hello it's almost a song. I see the guy pretty much every day, either in the store or out on the sidewalk. I wish I knew his name, but I'd feel odd asking.
- I helped with St. Anne's monthly community dinner this past Sunday. It's a big banquet given for anyone who shows, and the homeless and poor of the area all attend. I was asked to say grace...
It's amazing to say "The Lord be with you," and have a hundred people answer "And also with you!" - I didn't do so well on my 80's music quiz...
- I've gotten visitors from all these countries!
Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States Pretty cool. - Someone keeps ordering books through this site, which means I've been getting a bit of commission...I've no idea who it is, but thanks!
- Never scratch near your eye right after chopping jalapeno peppers. Really. Not even a couple hours after chopping jalapeno peppers. Ouch.
- Purolator, the FedEx of Canada, is the single worst delivery company on earth. Honest. If you tied a package to a squirrel's tail and gave the little creature a map, your package would arrive faster...and probably in better shape.
The problem is that one never knows when a package sent from the States will be handed over to Purolator, and when it will be taken by Canada Post. It's as if there's an ornery worker at the border, assigning packages to Purolator based on random twinges of spite. The worst thing about Purolator is that the drivers can't seem to read. There my name is, right on the buzzer code list, but every time - every time - they try to deliver something they miss it. "No buzzer code" reads the note, which they post next to my name on the buzzer code listing. This means I have to go trekking out to Purolator Purgatory, off on the edge of Toronto, to fetch my package from the delivery company. We're talking WAY out there, past the frost line. You don't have to dodge traffic when you cross the street...you're dodging polar bears. Why? Why can't they put their depot closer to where people live? There are plenty of big buildings, and plenty of freeways. Why? Why do I have to strap on snow shoes and hire a dog sled every time I get a package? O.K. That one could have been an entry all by itself. - The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding was filmed in Toronto, (though set in Chicago) and Amy and I saw the church facade they used for the titular wedding. The interior was a different church, which is movie magic, but the facade is down near the UT campus. If you watch the movie closely, in the travel agency window scene (when Ian first notices Toula), you can see a Canada Post truck in the background.
I wish it was Purolator...then we'd know what they were doing when they were supposed to be delivering packages. - I officially got my grades today...all A's. Mind you, I've known for months what I got, because I asked people. But the actual sheet of paper came in the mail today.
Luckily it wasn't delivered by Purolator, or I'd not know my grades before the second coming.
That's the lot. My brain is now empty. I return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.