This post contains no spoilers whatsoever - read with impunity, all ye who have not read HP6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince arrived in the mail came when I was inside, taking a break from waiting in the muggy outdoor heat. I had it at around 3pm. I've just finished it, about half an hour would have been sooner but last night I had to polish up my sermon for this morning, and get enough sleep so that I was able to deliver it in a reasonable state. No good me falling asleep during my own homily...the congregation takes care of that on their own. My impressions of the book? It's no spoiler to say that Half Blood Prince is a lot darker - a lot darker - than the first five. It also moves more quickly, even though it's the third longest of the series so far. Almost from the start Rowling establishes a runaway train pace that rarely lets up. I read the last two hundred pages in a blur - I was so engrossed that my full cup of tea went cold without so much as a sip. Now, of course, I'm just back where I started...waiting for the next and last instalment. You know, I ought to have held off reading these books until they were all published. |