There's a problem with having a vivid imagination...when something is worrying me, I can work out twenty scenarios in which disaster will befall and crush me.
About what do I worry? Well...everything. Specifically:
- My status in Canada, and being able to get back here once I leave to visit family in the States.
- My application to the Diocese of Toronto, which has fallen silent despite inquiring e-mails from me.
- Money, or my overall shortage thereof.
- Amy's health and happiness, because this wretched summer seems to be squeezing all the joy out of her.
- My internship placement...where to go?
- The general state of things...increasing gun violence in TO, awful smog, the immense homeless population, an unstable world, idiotic oil drilling in Alaska etc. Basically everything Ellen DeGeneres meant when she said that TV news ought to just have a banner running across the screen - "Things are getting worse."
So I toss and turn and can't get my brain to focus on anything. Meh.
Oh, and where did summer go? I don't like the weather or anything, but July and August have been on hyperdrive here.