Today has been all scurrying about, getting papers photocopied and applications mailed and whatnot...pretty much the same thing I've been up to for the past week. A flurry of paperwork, I am. I've been working at it so frantically, signing and sending papers right and left, that I think I accidentally registered for military service in the Icelandic army...oops. In a couple days I will descend behind the veil. Not death, just my hometown. Thing is, I have no internet connection at my mum's house. (They do have the internet there...just not at my mum's house.) I'm entering an internet free zone, for almost two weeks. Shudder. My hometown does have a public library, and might even have an internet hot spot or two...I will seek these out, of course. Still, expect less from me from Aug. 12th to the 24th. Now I have to go. Basic training begins soon, and I have to report to Reykjavik. |