Howdy, all! Here's my report from the road. I got into Milwaukee on Friday evening. S picked me up and we went to the First Stage Summer Academy Company Class performance. For those who don't speak First Stage-ease, that's the oldest kids' class. Rather than classes in specific subjects, they rehearse and perform a full show. In this case it was Shakespeare's As You Like It (or, as jaded theatre teachers call it, Ass: You Like It!) The kids were great, and I was pleased to see some old favourites. I was even more pleased to see a few kids who were pains in the As-You-Like-It when I taught them a couple years back, who have grown into mature and capable young people. That's always so amazing to see. On Sunday my mum and I went to church at All Saints' was great to see my cathedral family and to worship with the smells and bells again. Bless their hearts, the good people of St. Anne's would faint if they saw ASC's incense and vestments and heard the sung gospel and prayers. I can enjoy myself in both atmospheres, but high church will always be my favourite. Now my mum and I are in Rivertown, visiting my Aunt D. She and my uncle built a hillside hideaway, up on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River. There are gorgeous views and interesting hikes all over the place. A lovely place to vacation, though I think I personally would go a little nuts living this far from the city year in and out. My aunt and uncle, however, love solitude, which makes this about the perfect home for them. Once Uncle J retires they'll move here for good, tucked into their private Eden. I've been taking loads of pictures (western Wisconsin is full of bluffs and valleys and presents a lot of dramatic photo ops) but without the software and camera cable I can't post them right now. I'll get the choice shots up here when I'm home. Next stop will be Homeville, and then up to my cousin's wedding as far north as Wisconsin goes. If I have any worries about getting back into Canada, maybe I should just swim Lake Superior... |