The other night Amy and I watched the movie Love, Actually. (My favourite storyline was Colin Firth and Lucia Moniz's, the Englishman and Portuguese woman. Amy liked Bill Nighy as the aging rocker.) It's a good film, though shot through with impossible situations - the silliest being the English guy who goes to America, where his "cute" accent lands him in a tiny bed with four naked models. That story line is the one that gave me trouble...not because of the improbability of it all - that's a common and even charming thread in the whole movie - but because he goes to Milwaukee and the film mucked it up. First of all, we see him leaving "Milwaukee International Airport." It's supposed to be Mitchell International, and it looks nothing like the one in the movie. Then he goes to a bar that has Budweiser signs all Milwaukee, home of Miller. He orders a Bud and doesn't get a dirty look from the bartender. Never mind that four scantily-clad, model-bodied women are drinking alone in a Wisconsin bar...ordering a Bud in Milwaukee is the height of unreality. So, so petty. They did get the voices right, though. Every Milwaukeean in the movie, from the cabbie to the three women, sounds just like anyone you'd talk to in the Cream City. The woman he brings back to England, however, sounds like she comes from Milwaukee, Texas. No, there is no such place. In my real-life love life it's very good to be back with my sweetie. She had yesterday off, so we went to the Beaches (a hippyish, laid-back and trendy neighbourhood in East TO) just to hang out. We had brunch, did some window shopping, walked on the beach...a really nice day. When we bought our TTC day passes, I also got a scratch-off lottery ticket. I buy one every once in a while...not seriously hoping to win lots of money, but as a little anticipatory fun. They cost a dollar, and I've won three dollars before, and one or two dollars now and again. Enough to say that I've only spent $10 on the things, when you figure in the paltry winnings here and there. So when I scratched off the ticket yesterday I was surprised to find that I'd won $50. I won't be retiring any time soon, but it was a nice little perk. I cashed it in, kept $45, and got five more tickets. Those led nowhere ($3 back, big whoop) but it was fun anyhow. Sad to say, it's the most money I've ever won. Pizza on me! I should really wear a bib. |