I have decided that this year I will be a Grown Up. This means that I've been wearing shirt and tie (and pants) to classes every day. I know...a real Grown Up would wear a suit. Give a guy a break, eh? The upside of this is that, in tie and academic gown, I look like a slightly crazy professor. Of course it takes a certain kind of person to consider this an up side, but there it is. I enjoy the challenge of finding previously unworn combinations of ties and shirts...as if anyone is keeping notes. Actually, in high school my best friend and I did that. We kept notes on one of our student teacher's outfits. She was young (as student teachers are wont to be) and pretty and so we stalked her. Well, not really. We never followed her out of class or anything. We stalked her within the confines of the classroom. Every day we'd make notes - sweater, jacket, blouse? Skirt or pants? Stockings, socks, shoes...even hair accessories. We noted colour, cut and material. If this wasn't odd enough, we alerted her when she repeated outfits. "Ms. What's-Her-Name? You wore that maroon blouse with those grey slacks three weeks ago Monday. Though that day your socks were grey, not black, and you had a black hair band." Yes. Now teach a class, with these two sitting in the front row. I wonder how my Trinity profs would react to that... |