I went to the Victoria College book sale last night. Big mistake. The theology section was thin, at best. I found a Book of Common Order (Church of Scotland) and a mitten knitting book for Amy. That and the book, Why Cats Paint. I hadn't realized that cats painted so I guess the trip was educational, at least. But the people. Oh...so...many...people. The layout of the tables didn't seem to help. I can't say what it was, since I'm no traffic-flow expert, but somehow it was a lot harder to move about than it should have been. As I said to a fellow Trin Div, whom I met in a snarl of shoppers in the literature section, "If you didn't want to kill someone when you came in, you will by the time you leave." One of the treasures I'd hoped to find is something by Ethelwyn Wetherald. As I mentioned in an earlier entry, I saw one of her poems on a poster on the subway. I've found a copy of it... Frost by A. Ethelwyn Wetherald Alas, no Ethelwyn at the book sale...even in the rare and old books section. I gather that the last time anyone published her work, aside from a self-published biography by one of her descendants, was back in 1931. Even that was just one or two poems included in a larger work. There might just be a project here...that is, as soon as I finish writing these four papers that are due next week. Oy. |