Oh...did I used to keep a diary? I seem to recall writing things for people to read...people other than my professors. This week has been a bit of a strain. My chapel team is on deck, and I'm LC. This means that I'm in charge of making sure everyone knows and performs the duties they've signed up for, and I have to be present at every liturgy. If someone backs out or just doesn't show (you'd be surprised how flaky divinity students can be) it's my job to either step in or find a replacement. Really it's a lot like being a rector...of a parish that mounts two full-blown, hymns-and-all services every day. I'm used to a regular cycle of prayer. Back in M'waukee (hello, All you Saints) we said morning and evening prayer and a mass every day. But those were minimal-prep sorts of affairs. We didn't pick hymns because we didn't sing, and any decisions within the liturgy were usually made on the fly. You went into the church five minutes before an office and picked your prayers then and there. It's not rocket science. At Trinity chapel things are a bit more involved, but I'm not sure why. Doing so much pre-planning really just serves to create expectations that one then has to live up to. Then again, since we all come from different backgrounds, I suppose a bit of over-planning is necessary. Plus, when you're singing a hymn and canting the psalms, you need to know what music you're using and you want to rehearse it. I suppose there would be chaos with this many cooks in the kitchen if we didn't have a menu. Oh, well. The daily office will never be this difficult again. |