The landlord has replaced the shower head with one of those water-saving models. It uses a fraction of the water that the old one did. A big part of me thinks this is great - water may be renewable, but it takes a good long time to renew and we're doing our best to pollute what's out there. On the other hand, water saving shower heads save water by not spraying it on the showerer. The old head was great; it didn't wash the dirt off, it knocked it off. You could punch holes in steel with the water shooting from that thing. The new one provides a limp drip, a mere whisper of water trickling down. Now when I take a shower I can hear the dirt laughing. I suppose the shower head is doing its job. Not only does it use less water per minute, the experience is so unsatisfying that I'm spending a lot less time in the shower. Two, two, two savings in one! If I'm honest with myself, what I really want is for everyone else to use efficient shower heads, to conserve water, and to let me have my Power Blaster 2000. That's not very fair, nor is it very good stewardship of creation...but it is honest, which I suppose is a virtue of a sort. Conservation is always hardest where the rubber hits the road. Or, in eco-friendly terms, where the recycled and biodegradable bus tires hit the pavement made from used running shoes, but only for major trips because we should bloody well be walking or biking for short trips...or something. |