Sorry for the silence...I've been very busy writing my application, which is why you've all been getting snippets of it. Yes, those long blocks of rambling have been snippets. The whole essay section comes in at 12 pages long. Oy. Meanwhile I have a sermon, five papers and a presentation to write, as well as three exams for which to study. Double oy. So some brief notes from the field... I was pleased to find myself riding on the Singing Streetcar Operator's car the other day. He makes up odd little songs to announce each stop..."Lansdowne, Laaaaaaansdowne, you're upside down at Lansdowne!" I had heard the Legend, but never met the Man. Then just a couple days ago I got the Enthusiastic Subway Conductor. "Bathurst is next. My FAVourite station! BATHurst!" And when we arrived at the station, "BATHurst! This is a great place, folks. Enjoy BATHurst!" Swiss Chalet is serving their Festive Special. It's basically just the quarter chicken dinner with stuffing and cranberry sauce...and Lindor Chocolates! I found myself moved and so had the Festive Special for lunch yesterday. I always feel odd going to a sit-down restaurant alone, but the Festive Special is worth it! |