My time at St. Anne's is coming to a close. I'll be preaching Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (same sermon, since I'll be one of maybe three people who'll attend both) and then I'm finished. I'll miss it; it was a good parish and the people are lovely. But it's time to move on and learn from another situation.
We have what I think is a pair of Pine Grosbeaks, some House Finches, Sparrows and, joy of joys, a Cardinal. Not that he can eat out of this feeder. Of course, I'm not the only member of the household interested in what's happening around the bird feeder. Sybil thinks that the feeder has been put there just for him and his amusement. Fortunately, he's a rather dim-witted cat and has the attention span of a fruit fly. He's already forgotten that there's a show on, and is slumbering away in another room. |