Oh, early-onset Alzheimer's...today, while trying to give my church architecture presentation, I lost three or four words...all things I know that I know. The presentation still went well, but oy. There actually is a history of Alzheimer's in my family so, while I'm joking here, there's always a corner of my (swiftly deteriorating) mind that worries. Or maybe it's just old age. I have one more exam this term, on Thursday...medieval church history. It's a fascinating course, and I've really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if my brain has any room left. The prospect of a big, fact-laden exam fills me with dread. I just know I'm going to see a question like, "Who was the Saxon king that met with Augustine on the Isle of Thanet?" and I'll write, "Kraft Dinner! Monkeypox! Belgium!" Maybe I should sleep more and eat fewer cheesy poofs. Yeah, I want cheesy poofs! I always do a spell check before I publish...you know how Word gives you a little spell-check summary, including the grade level of your writing? Last week I posted something that registered at a 12th grade level (the highest it goes). This post comes in at 6th grade. It must be the education that's doing it to me. |