Oh, dear. I just found out that my internship supervisor won't be able to supervise me this coming term. The internship was to begin on January 5th. That's two weeks to find a new placement...two weeks that include Christmas. Catching a priest who has time to meet with a potential student will be as easy as catching a fly in chopsticks, and I am not the Mr. Miyagi of internship arrangements. Oh, well. I had a couple back-up plans in mind, just in case. Perhaps one of them will pan out. My placement problem pales when compared to the fact that my intended supervisor can't supervise due to medical issues. I won't go into detail, because it's really none of my business (much less yours) but it's nothing to sneeze at. Suffice to say he'll be out of commission for a while. With this nugget in mind, I now turn to work on my Christmas sermons. Oy. |