I just got back from the Diocese of Niagara's candidate's conference. It's a two-day gathering designed to keep candidates in touch with one another and with the hierarchy of the diocese. There were discussions, presentations and interviews, as well as worship, a lot of good food and social time. It was held at the diocese's retreat centre, Canterbury Hills...very nice place, out in the woods west of Hamilton. In honour of the conference, I present... Top 10 Worst Answers to the Question 10. "If you want to be Pope, you gotta start somewhere." 9. "Ordination? Naw, I'm just here for the free food." 8. "That Jesus guy was phat, walkin' on water and stuff. I want some of those mad skillz." 7. "I've always looked good in black." 6. "I need a place to hide until the CIA stops looking." 5. "A clerical collar would hide the "I love Satan" tattoo on my neck." 4. "I've got nothing better to do right now." 3. "I heard you can make a killing doing funerals." 2. "For the chicks! Women dig men of the cloth." 1. "Two words - Communion Wine." |