Oog. I stayed up late watching the election results...considering how badly the Liberals were asking to be routed, it turned out about as well as it could have. Now we have a Conservative minority, with even fewer seats than the Liberals had. That should mean that Stephen Harper won't be able to push his social agenda, such as repealing gay marriage rights. Then again the media also said that the Shrub, when he was appointed, would have to govern as a moderate...then he proceeded to act as if he'd won a 90% majority, even before 9/11. Canada, beware. Staying up late to watch the election results (or perhaps the results themselves) lead to illness the next day. I went to bed at midnight, and had to wake up at 3am for the St. Bart's breakfast. Tired does not begin to describe it. I was well beyond punchy...I was woozy. By the time I left the church, at 9am, I had a fever and headache starting. By afternoon the chills had set in. At this point, miserable does not begin to describe it. Amy was very good, making soup and getting me Ginger Ale. The knockout punch was a cup of herbal tea with honey and lemon...lots of honey and loads of lemon. The tea was an excuse, really. It cleared and coated my throat and allowed me to sleep. Today is much better...a bit of fever, but nowhere as bad. Thank you, honey and lemon! Coming home on the streetcar today the driver was calling out the names of the stops. "Jarvis! Church! Yonge! Bay! Elizabeth - sorry! (long pause) Chestnut!" Because the "sorry" followed without pause and the correction took so long, it sounded as if he was sympathizing with people who had to get off at Elizabeth St. "Elizabeth St. So sorry you live or work here." It was very funny at the time...loses something in written form. |