Amy and I, normally not sports people, watched some of the Olympics today. The Canadian women's hockey team was having a shoot-around, taking practice shots at an open least they might as well have been, for all the resistance the Italian team was offering. Hockey isn't quite as popular in Italy as it is in Canada, and it shows. You have to hand it to the Italians, though. They might not have the skill, but they gave it a load of effort. And God bless the Italian fans...they cheered like mad every time their team did something right. Clear the puck? YAY! Survive a power play? HURAH! It was a little slice of what the Olympics are supposed to be - teams playing their hearts out, cheered on by their countries and the world, not because they're winning but because they're playing their hardest and best. I had a very pleasant lunch grandmother and her husband (they married just under ten years ago) are in town and we went for a bite. Russ was invited to a convention here in Toronto, in honour of some work he'd done back in the day. Apparently he was a mover and shaker in the international monogramming and personalizing know, your company name on pens, visors, beach towels, umbrellas, etc. Anyhow, it was a nice opportunity to visit. I wish I had some deep theological discussion for y'all...or even something interesting or quirky that happened to me. But really, it's just more of the same for now. Maybe things will get exciting this week... Gosh, I hope not. |