I know. Two entries in one day is just bad manners. But really... How often does a Vice President, or Deputy Prime Minister - any high-ranking government official of a major nation - freaking shoot someone? Sure, it was an accident but really...he shot a 78 year old man! "Sprayed with shotgun pellets" is how the AP described it. It seems Harry Whittington came up behind the VP without signaling his presence. I guess that'll teach him...don't sneak up on Dick Cheney! As Katharine Armstrong, owner of the shooting range...er...ranch, said, "by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good." Fortunately, Mr. Cheney travels with a large emergency medical team (which is funny all by itself) and the gunshot victim was immediately treated and stabilized.
Personally, I think this guy had information about the CIA leak and Tricky Dick was just "taking care of business." BAM! No, of course not. He'd never shoot someone for that. For that he'd use his teeth - WRARRR! He...shot...someone! O.K., now can the Queen take over? |