It seems that there was a hunk convention in downtown Toronto today. Coming home on the streetcar, and stopping off for coffee, I kept seeing these chiselled, wavy-haired, steely-eyed Adonises (Adoni?) everywhere. Walking down the sidewalk, standing in line for coffee, getting on the streetcar. Suddenly I was the dopey sidekick to a hundred sex gods. Yeah...I needed that for my self-image. Today was the second session of a Sunday morning Lenten class I've been teaching. Last week we discussed the history of the church in Britain, following the independent, mystical streak in Celtic and Romano-British Christianity. We read some Tertullian, Julian of Norwich and material from the Elizabethan Settlement. I hope it was intention is to make the material immediate by reading from original texts, rather than just telling people what was going on and have them take my word for it. Today we addressed the authority of the Anglican Church - the "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition and Reason. We discussed how Tradition and Reason helped shape Scripture, and how Scripture informs and directs the other two. It's an interesting dynamic, teaching a church class. I've not had a lot of experience at it, so I'm still sort of amused that a group of people would assemble to hear what I have to say about something. I taught acting classes, back in the day, but it's a different story when it's a group of kids. You sort of expect an eleven year-old kid to listen when you talk. Perhaps it all comes down to trusting myself in the role. Of course, since I truly feel called to ordained ministry, then trusting myself means trusting God. It sounds so arrogant when you just say (or type) it like that, but it's actually quite humbling. It's God's class and I'm just the TA. If I didn't believe God was calling me to the priesthood then I'd have no business mucking about in seminary, eh? And if God has called me to the priesthood then he has called me to teach and proclaim the I have to trust that God wants me to lead classes like the one I'm teaching now. Which sounds a bit odd, but it does help get me out of bed at 6:15a.m. |