Oh, today did not start well. Of course, any day that starts when it's dark out is no good, but this was worse than normal. Everything at the breakfast ministry was harder than it should have been...our workers were bickering, a group was huddled drinking in the stairwell and just about everyone was challenging what I said. I'm not talking about questioning my (minimal) authority, I mean, "Windy out there today, eh?" or "Enjoy your breakfast." Are these provoking statements? One man, in particular, always comes to the serving window looking for a fight. He is (or, more likely, was) a cook and he takes considerable pride in that fact. He takes every opportunity to announce his profession, almost daring us to question him or to test his knowledge of cooking. He's the only guest who complains about the presentation of the food on his styrofoam plate. It's entirely understandable, of course. Here he is, coming for a free breakfast, obviously not doing so well. It must feel as if the world has judged him and called him a failure. He's staking out his territory, his point of strength and pride. He's daring us and the world to belittle him just because he's poor. He also, pretty clearly, has some mental health issues. So his behaviour is, as I said, understandable. Still, it's draining to have that sort of anger directed at you, and today we had a slew of angry people. One guy insisted that pork was prohibited by Christianity (it's not, in case you're wondering) and gave us a good tongue-lashing for serving sausage. A woman made camp in the corner and bitterly refused to leave until half hour after closing. And the childish hostility between two of our workers made even the kitchen tense. Sigh. Must be the weather. Oh...I added some pictures to my online album. |