Yeah, I'm a bit Hermione Grangerish. Why? Because I've already started agonizing over which courses to year. I'm not even done with this term, it's not even Easter yet, and I'm deciding what to study from September through next April. Nerd. The agony comes from having too little time, mind and money and too many choices. It all looks so interesting...reformation History or History of the Liturgy? Spirituality in the Parish or Christian Ed? (As in education, not as in some guy named Ed. "Hi, I'm Ed and I'm a Christian. I'm Christian Ed!" Speaking of you think guys named Ed get tired of their girlfriends and wives calling them "Special?") I have a list of about 10 classes I wish I could take. But I'll be busy enough, methinks. M and I will be co-heads of Divinity, I'll be running down to the Diocese of Niagara whenever possible and I might even write an honours thesis. I think my plate will be full enough without taking more classes than I need. I begin to see the wisdom of Divs who make this a four-year program. Oh, the buffet of options then! Now I have to go. Harry and Ron want to visit Hagrid. Hey...why do I have to be the girl? |