Note: More pictures on my photo page. Last night was a wash so far as sleep was concerned. I got perhaps two hours total, mostly in fits and patches. Getting out of bed at 3:30am couldn't have been more difficult. Beyond today's entirely understandable exhaustion, I've been generally pooped for a while now. There's a grinding, wearing sort of tired that has taken hold of me, settling in my back in the form of aches and pains and in my mind in the form of ennui. With some notable exceptions, I just haven't had any energy. I think the primary cause is my schedule. Getting up obnoxiously early every morning is one thing (and one thing to which I am not well suited) but getting up obnoxiously early one day a week, very early another day, sort of early two other days and then sleeping in the rest...well, that's a recipe for disaster. My internal clock has jet lag without ever leaving the runway. Come to think of it, that's just what it is. I've been, in effect, yanking myself back and forth across time zones. I may not have been on a jet, but I'm jet lagged anyhow...and I keep doing it to myself. It's not like I've just arrived home from vacation and will get used to this time zone in a day or two. I never have the chance to adapt because I keep switching about. It'd be better to get up at 3:30 every least then my body could settle in. Yeah. Me, getting up at 3:30am every day. And then monkeys'll fly out of my butt. |